Saturday, March 17, 2012

NUVIT PLATINUM SHEEP PLACENTA PLUS with shark liver oil, grapeseed oil from NZ

NUVIT PLATINUM SHEEP PLACENTA PLUS is wholly researched and produced in New Zealand. It is kept in soft gelatin capsules and extracted from cells grown in a way that is scientifically-proven to maintain their function, integrity and bioactivity.

After 15 years of research and development,NUVIT PLATINUM SHEEP PLACENTA PLUS has been widely recognised as one of the most effective supplements for anti-ageing and cell rejuvenation.

NUVIT PLATINUM SHEEP PLACENTA PLUS is produced using cell culture technology. Its functional cells are extracted using cutting-edge biotechnological techniques that maintain the viability of their growth factors. These growth factors can rejuvenate and regenerate damaged and aged cells in our body, which revitalises our body in the process.

Why placenta?

The placenta is the cradle of life that protects and nourishes a growing baby by giving him or her important nutrients it needs, which includes growth factors, hyaluronic acid and enzymes. That is why it contains the youngest and most viable cells.

In medicine, the known sources of placenta are sheep, deer or human. Among the best are sheep and deer placentas from New Zealand that are more compatible to the human body and do not cause allergic reactions.

Currently, placenta can be taken orally or through injections. While injections can be costly, you can receive the benefits of placenta’s essence by consuming it orally.

Is it safe for consumption?

Throughout history, mankind has known the incredible restorative powers of placenta.

In ancient Egypt, soldiers consume fresh placenta to rejuvenate themselves for battle.

In China, it has long been used for over a 1400 years as a beauty tonic, kidney tonic and aphrodisiac promoting general health.

The French has long used it as a beauty revitaliser, enhancing body energy, skin complexion and limiting the aging process.

Sheep placenta has been used by the British Royal Family for 1400 years as medicine or promoting general health.

In some cultures, placenta is prepared as a soup for new mothers to help them recover their energy and avoid post-natal depression. Today, it is a favorite among those who wishes to preserve their youth and beauty.

What are the unique benefits of sheep placenta?

Sheep placenta offers one of the richest sources of nutrients, growth factors, immune co-factors and bio-active cytokines ever known. If it is rich enough to nourish a developing embryo, just think of what it can do for your skin and health. Recent scientific research has shown that placenta contains rich growth factors, hormones and antibodies, and other concentrated nutrients that can rejuvenate organic tissue. Some of them promote cell growth, some regulate hormone secretion and some of them strengthen our immune system.

What are the nutrients in sheep placenta?

Sheep placenta contains bioactive nutrients such as :-

essential amino acids,


nucleic acids (RNA and DNA),

SOD (Superoxide Dismutase),

hyaluronic acid,


immune co-factors,


Peptide of Placenta,

EGFs (Epidermal Growth Factors),

regulating factors and

the unique SCAFs (Senescent Cell Activating Factors) etc.

Complete Absorption for Total Youth

After sheep placental cells are grown using cell culture technology, its essence is extracted and condensed into a standard, bioactive, 600mg NUVIT PLATINUM SHEEP PLACENTA PLUS encapsulated in a soft gelatin capsule, which is added with 200mg shark liver oil essence and 200mg grape seed oil essence. It is rich with antioxidants, and is effective in protecting cells from free-radical damage.

After taking NUVIT PLATINUM SHEEP PLACENTA PLUS, the soft gelatin capsule will pass through the stomach intact to protect the active ingredients in the capsule from being damaged by stomach acids. To ensure that the cellular elements are fully utilised, they will be released and absorbed in the small intestine to achieve anti-ageing effects.

Cell Therapy to Regain Youth

As cell rejuvenation is one of the major processes involved in slowing down the ageing process, we need it to regain a youthful body. Currently, cell therapy is the most well-known anti-ageing method. By reducing cell damage, replacing damaged cells regularly,and repairing cells that are undergoing molecular or structural changes, we could achieve the goal of prolonging life. It has been proven to be safe and effective in slowing down the ageing process as well as revitalising our body and improving our body functions.
Many biologists believed that the future breakthrough in the medical field lies on structure renewal. Through cell treatment, cell replacement and replenishment, they solve the problems of aging and diseases attack, and bring about an opportunity to restore youth.

Therapeutic Effects & Benefits

Ovine Placenta brings you unprecedented benefits. Below are some proven benefits of ovine placenta to users :

Long-standing, natural enemy: Ageing

When we reach 25 years old, the rate of cell death in our body will slowly overtake the rate of cell growth. This will reduce the number of normal, functioning cells in our organs and increase the workload of the remaining ones. At the same time, we will gradually age as our skin form wrinkles after slowly losing its soft, supple and elastic quality. On top of natural ageing, air pollution, unhealthy eating habits, late nights, smoking, alcohol and other factors will also speed up ageing in our body.

As we age, our skin cells lose its vitality. Our skin becomes thinner and we lose subcutaneous fat. This will cause our skin to lose its protective lining and elasticity, and become dry and coarse. Furthermore, our skin’s ability to repair itself will also decrease with time.

Ageing occurs on every part of our body
Bones & muscles
Organs Funtionality

Type of Reaction after consuming and possible causes

Reactions Possible Causes
Slight Fever

Placenta has rich nutrients and hormones such as FSH,ICSH,BGH &
BST that lead to cell regeneration and faster metabolism,thus
Producing more heat in the body.

Flu, Sore Throat Manifestation of health problem.

Sleeping difficulty , High level of aleartness,Feeling excited The body is burning fat,and fat turns into heat that upsets the normal routine of the body.
Asthma, Phlegm A Weak lung function.

Acnes, Itchiness on the Skin,Rashes,Odour from The urine

Body undergo detoxification.

Temporary signs of Allergy weight gain

This is usually the case for underweight or slim people.Muscles tend to grow in size with fat burnt.

Slow hand and leg

This is usually the case for bigger-sized people.

High level of body acid,weak liver function,prolonged lethargy, And overuse of drug.

Giddiness, Hunger Low sugar level in the body, anaemie.

After 10 days

Your sleep and appetite will be better,appetite will be improved, hip, Joint and knee problems will subside. Pain symptoms will be reduced, Complexion will become rosy and overall spirits will speedily improve.

After 20 days

Face will start to glow,basic freckles and spots will be controlled and change for the better. Fatique will vanish and irregular period will be Improved.

After 30 days

Hair will be darker and shinier than before and hair loss will be reduced. Yellowish – coloured face will become fairer. Pigmentation spots will Reduce and occupy smaller areas and become paler. Moisture level Of the skin will greatly increase.

After 60 days

Face will come fair and rosy-cheeked. Hands will become softer and Supple. Wrinkles start vanishing with no pigmentation. Skin becomes Radiant.

After 90 days

Face will appear healthy and rosy,glowing with health and radiating Vigour. Whole body skin gradually smoothens and is firm with elasticity. Feel energetic and youthful.

Amount per serving

Ovine (Sheep) Placenta extract (50:1 of fresh sheep placenta 30,000mg) : 600mg
shark liver oil : 200mg
grape seed oil : 200mg

No artificial flavoring, coloring and preservatives

Source of Gelatin : Bovine

30 Enteric Coated Softgels / pack

Recommended intake:-

1 Softgel Daily

NORMAL PRICE RM 528 / pack of 30 softgels

1 comment:

Iamwhoiam said...

Good sharing, one highly recommended supplement is sheep placenta, which has long been used to revitalise and enhance our energy and skin complexion, as well as to slow down the ageing process. CellLabs CLASSaaNTA sheep placenta or CellLabs sheep placenta contains other antioxidants like marine collagen, aloe vera powder, avocado oil, lycopene and astaxanthin. These help to build stronger hair and nails, strengthen our immune system, reduce ageing signs, elevate our energy levels and enhance our body’s defence mechanism. For detail visit:

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