Dear all,
With the current alarming Global Warming and climate change, we hear about people talking how to save our earth.
I believe we could help to save the earth by generating less rubbish, using environmentally household products, practicing recycling and sustainable activities, saving the energy and living a simple life.
My Vision is towards ZERO Rubbish generated from my house.
Is it possible?
Yes. It is possible, with strong PASSION for the environment/our mother earth.
Action speak louder than words.
I practice saving our mother earth from my DAILY activities.
How do I practice an organic and sustainable daily life in Bandar Botanic, a township around 8km from Klang, Selangor, Malaysia?
1. I practice full Recycling
Basically I broadly categorized my household rubbish into:-
a) Organic matter - kitchen waste, fruit and vegetables ie potatoes, carrot peels, unwanted vegetable leafs and root, left over foods, garden's grass, weed etc
I will use the organic matter to feed the earthworm (The worm species I use is Eisenia foetida). I will use the vermicompost (combination of vermicast, dung of the earthworm + organic matter compost by microbs) to grow vegetables in my garden.
I plant sweet potatoes leaves, lemon grass, chili padi, spinach, sweet corn and with some herbs. So basically i do not need to buy chemical fertilizer..The vegetables grow so healthy and I do not use any pesticide or fungicide.
In addition, i will use the organic matter to make garbage enzyme too.
b) `Inorganic' matter - cardboard, paper, glass, plastic etc
I will send the inorganic matter to recycling centre.
2. I do not pollute our environment by using environmentally friendly household soap, shampoo,tooth brush. The soap (made from Charcoal and Red yeast) and shampoo (made from coconut oil and natural plant) are homemade and chemical free, colouring free and fragrance free. It is also SLS and paraben free.
In addition, I do not use any insecticide, pesticide or fungicide in my house and as well as in my garden
3. I support genuine organic vegetables producers with internationally organic certification and non GMO grains, beans, nut and seed with no colouring and preservative. I take simple but nutritious breakfast prepare by my own.
4. I save electricity. I do not installed air conditioner in my house and rooms, compare with both side of my neighbor with at least 2 or some even 5 air conditioners in their house.
5. I shop only when necessarily. Imagine I only buy my clothing once a year just before Chinese New Year!
6. My house furnitures are simple are non-luxurious.
I believe this is what I can do in my daily life, to help to save our mother earth!
We have to save the planet for our children!
I believe there are many LOHAS people and please share with me your experiences to save our mother earth.
Thank you!
best regards,