Saturday, February 16, 2013

Part II : save our mother earth : Fermenting food waste with Bokashi Bucket

Eco Bokashi, 20L Eco Bokashi Bucket, cup and mashing utensil

Spread a layer of Eco Bokashi (about 1/3 cup) over the food waste

compress the food waste with mashing utensil
Drain the bokashi juice once or twice a week

Bokashi Juice can be diluted with water and with many usage

This is how I use the ECO BUCKET

1. Place Eco Bucket somewhere close to food/kitchen waste

2. Place the drain plate supplied into the base of ECO BUCKET

3. Add Food/kitchen wastes into the ECO BUCKET

4. At the end of the day, spread a layer (1/3 cup) of ECO BOKASHI over the food waste and compress the food waste in the bucket with mashing utensil

5. Reseal the airtight ECO BUCKET lid

6. Once or twice a week, drain the liquid `Bokashi Juice' from the bucket

7. Once the ECO BUCKET is full, empty the content into small hole or trench approximate 20cm deep and cover with soil. The waste material need to go into soil to physically break down

What can I put into the ECO BUCKET:-
1. vegetable and fruit scraps
2. tea leaves
3. tea bags
4. small amount of paper
5. coffee ground
6. onions, citrus and garlic
7. meat scraps
8. seafood/fish
9. cooked food waste

How often should I drain the bokashi Juice and the usage

Drain Bokashi Juice twice every week or as required

Bokashi Juice is full of friendly microbs and nutrients for plants and stop the drain smelling

It contains nutrients from the food waste and is alive with friendly micro-organisms and is natural nutrient and fertiliser for the plant!

It also stop the drain and toilet smelling.

Bokashi juice must be diluted prior to use in your plants or garden

For Garden use:-

1. Dilute 1:1000 with water for foliar spray

2. Dilute 1:100 with water for lawns and garden beds

For toilet and septic tank and drain

1. Undiluted add directly into toilet or septic tank
2. Undiluted for application to drains

Advantages of Eco Bucket

1. Air tight so there will be no insect problems
2. Fermentation process prevent foul odour

The treated food waste in the ECO BUCKET will actively FERMENT, not decompose, while in the bucket
Imagine a pickled onion or looks like an onion or garlic but because it's pickled it will have changed  its internal structure

Fermented contents of the bucket can be transferred directly into the soil of your garden where it will breakdown rapidly.

In 2-3 weeks the buried waste will be mostly broken down into soil, providing a usable nutrient rich end-product and improving the soils levels of nutrients, microbes and enzymes

Fermentation is an alternative sustainable method of recycling food waste versus traditional dumping food waste into landfill.

You can halve your Rubbish to Landfill by composting or fermenting

Fermentation directly reduces greenhouse gas emissions (specifically Methane which is cause by rotting organic matter).

Each kg of food waste dumped into landfill produces 900 gm of Methane (primary greenhouse gas or Carbon Dioxide equivalent CO2e )

So over the period of a year you are reducing many kg of CO2e being placed in the atmosphere

You can get BOKASHI BUCKET from some nurseries, environmental shops and online.. It is best to have 2 buckets, so when one fills up you can leave it to ferment for a while and start using the other. But if you only have one, you don't have to leave it to ferment.

HAPPY TRYING!!!! Please help to save our mother earth!!


Anonymous said...

Excellent article. It is very interesting. Great job, George

George said...

Thanks for your lovely comment. Just a little contribution to our mother earth!

Unknown said...

Hi from Norway,

I am currently writing an article about composting for a small Norwegian magazine, which is focusing on healthy and environmental friendly lifestyle. The current article, I am working on, is about Bokashi composting. I need some pictures for my article (not so easy to find such ones) and as I was searching through internet for some suitable pics, I came up to your blog and found 1 picture that I would like to use. I would like to ask you, if I can get permission to use it. Of course I will credit you on the picture, and provide a link to your blog.

Here is the link to the picture:

The size of the picture I need is over 1 MB. Can you send me this picture in the required size.

Her is my email: iivanov1999(at)
Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
Ivo Ivanov